Worth Checking

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Sometimes you need just go with that gut feeling…something was telling me it might be worth checking. With that in mind I headed back to the same location as last winter.

Well I’m thinking back to last January and coming across a Northern Saw-whet Owl.
As I mentioned back then they are 6-7 in…a bit smaller than a Screech Owl and half the size of an Northern Hawk Owl.
Although that may not be of much help if you’re not familiar with the Screech or Hawk Owl…so let say a bit smaller than a Robin.

They prefer to roost in confers which provides a safe place hidden away in the branches protected from predators…that would also include humans/photographers.
They can be most difficult to locate and easily missed.

My take away…always go with the gut feeling, what do you have to loose.