Operation…Snow Clearing

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Last week Manitoba had been hit with a Colorado Low that dumped a few inches of snow…and I’m sure like most we all thought Spring was here until it hit.
Not a big deal for us humans but cameras on the Peregrine nest box at the Radisson showed otherwise.

The box was full of snow…fortunately no eggs had yet to be laid. With the amount of snow in the box could very well have been enough for the Peregrines to think twice about using the box.

Arrangements were made…Operation Snow Clearing was underway. This would also give us a chance to re-introduce ourselves to Ella & Pip.
All was calm and quiet on the roof…then that all so familiar kak,kak,kak,kak as Ella showed up to defend the site, with Pip showing up soon after.

Hopefully they appreciated our snow removal efforts in the nest box…then it was home to clear my own sidewalk and driveway.