Thinking of Winter Possibilities

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Now into November and thoughts have already started to shift to the Winter Owl Season.
Great Grays being at the top of the list but likely not till Dec/Jan and hopefully with lots of snow.

Mid Nov on should bring the first sightings of Snowy Owls…the last couple years hasn’t found near the numbers compared to years past.
Hopefully Mother Nature will be kind and provide plenty of opportunities…time will tell.

Soaking Up the Sunshine

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Due to the other commitments, appointments and unfavorable weather conditions I’ve only had one memorable day with the Eagles up on the Big Lake. With many to be seen not all were worth photographing due to branches, backlighting or being skittish.

It’s always a delight when you come across one where everything falls into place…then you just simply sit and wait for things to unfold.
I was pretty sure that this Eagle would provide some action…to be continued.