Their Baaack

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Another Peregrine Season begins…Hart once again being the “First” bird to return on March 17th with Esme is mate from 2021 on the 21st.
They both seemed very much at home at the Radisson Hotel site even though they nested at a different site last year. They enjoyed a short stay at the Radisson until Pip the resident male from the Radisson showed up March 28th.

The birds will now sort out just who will mate with who and at what site.

The pair…Wingo Starr & April have also returned to Brandon and it’s unclear where they intend to nest.

Well the Peregrine Saga begins for another Season….stay tuned.

Cheers !

Looking Forward to Their Return.

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Perhaps it’s me but winter seems to be dragging on…I’m so looking forward to returning Osprey.
Though it will be some time yet…since they eat fish and would require the ponds and rivers to have open water and free of ice.
So for now I will count the days and the snow to be gone…waiting for the rivers to flow.

Winter Owling now Done

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

As we near the end of March my Winter Owling is now done for the Season. Great Gray and Hawk Owl sightings were few and far between…but I didn’t get skunked.
Snowy Owls on the other hand were abundant and easily located.
As the seasons change so do the subjects and will now be focused on Peregrines…with the first two birds recently returning.
Over all a good winter given the terrible conditions we encountered.

Cheers !