Change of Pace

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Definitely a change of pace…no Big Owls or Eagles this time around rather one of the small birds that frequent our back deck feeder.
White-breasted Nuthatches (sparrow like in size) also referred to as The Upside Down Bird come and go to the feeder log. While foraging for food they tend to be upside down rather than up-right like most birds.

The feeder log is simply a split log in which I’ve drilled holes about the size of shell peanuts. Breaking the peanuts in half I stuff the hole then fill in with suet. We attract Chickadees, Downy’s , Nuthatches and of course Sparrows and Squirrels.

The visitors work their way through the suet and then there’s a peanut at the end for their reward.
I’m sure they appreciate the treats during our current Cold Snap.