Morning Merlin

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The final day at the summer place and one last trip out to see what could be found before closing up for the winter. Being somewhat surprised to find a Merlin along the shores of Lake Winnipeg.
Merlin’s are one of the smaller members of the Falcon Family being roughly 10-12 in. They are not nest builders and usually use a Crow’s nest from a previous year and prefer a nest in pine trees.
High hopes that next spring they will choose the nest in our pine where Crow’s nested this year…will have to wait and see.
Their main diet consists of small birds… since we have an abundance of sparrows the pickings would be good.

I always refer to Merlin’s as Peregrine Wanna Be’s.

Merlin Stare Down

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Sometimes the conditions can be difficult to deal with…like when I came across this Merlin (male) and we had a bit of a stare down.
Having to deal with dull overcast skies and unable to move around to have any available sun at my back…never the less you take what Mother Nature provides and make the best of it.