Another Day…Another Gray

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The Great Gray Season began with some exciting rewards…but of course spotting a Gray is always exciting whether it’s the start or the end of the Season.
Lately with the extreme cold I’ve opted to put Owl searches on hold until the temps are a little more tolerable.

Some new locations to check may be in order as owls seem to have moved on for one reason or another.
This isn’t unusual and all part of Winter Owling.

Plunge and a Miss

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Time passed as I sat patiently waiting for this Great Gray to make a move…it was apparent that he (by size) was definitely in Hunt Mode and just a matter of time before he made a move.
With prolonged staring on a fixed location then the sudden head jerk to another spot. He was simply zeroing in on prey beneath the snow.
Sometimes they will fly out and make a sweeping pattern while focusing…other times it’s a straight downward plunge. All depending on where they located a possible meal.
This one ended up closer to the road near the ditch but unfortunately come up empty. Another plunge and a miss in the endless search for food.

Great Gray In Hunt Mode

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Absolutely amazing to witness a Great Gray actively hunting. Slow and deliberate and silent in flight being totally focused the whole time on a possible meal in the snow below. This owl had been perched on a pole glaring at something…slightly moving its head from side to side to pin point its prey .
Then suddenly off it went…with a few flaps and long silent glide then making a wide bank prior to the plunge.

The whole time staying focused on what was beneath the snow…all this is very characteristic of a Great Gray hunting an open area.
He/she come up empty on its attempt…only to continue in the endless search for food and survival.