End is Near Up-Date

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

As you recall I was heading out last Tuesday for probably my last chance for some Winter Owls. I believe the time change may have thrown me off a bit….never the less I did manage the tail end of “Feed Feast” for a lone Great Gray.

She did manage one successful plunge that provided a meal along with a couple of fly-outs. Interesting how they tend to return to their favorite perch for the most part. With this in mind you can attempt to position yourself in a suitable location and wait for the action…all this can unfold in mere seconds and can be a “Win Win” or “Oh Crap” moment.

The End is Near ?

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

As the days become longer the winter owls are now becoming more difficult to find. The time is now nearing the point that they will head back deeper into the forest to find a mate and nest site. March 15 is the general rule of thumb I use for locating the last of both Great Grays and Hawk Owls….some may have already moved on.

So it’s a day to day weather dependent scenario…meaning sunny days owling and crappy days back at the job jar. Hopefully with a little patience I’ll be able to find some rewards before the end of the season…time will tell ?