Common Urban Bird

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Cooper’s Hawks are frequently seen along residential streets and in many of the parks. They can be mistaken for a Sharp-shinned Hawk which is a smaller bird and has skinny legs as well as a squared off tail…whereas the Cooper’s have thicker legs and a longer rounded tail. Size wise the Cooper’s are similar to a Crow.

Juveniles after fledging seem to enjoy birdbaths and water sprinkles for some reason…perhaps the water is simply a way to cool down on a hot summer day.

Morning Coffee Interruption

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Back door open enjoying that first morning cup of coffee. Along with the birds singing as I worked on some recent photos…then dead silence.

Looking up only to see the possible reason for the sudden hush. Across the back lane was a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk who had dropped in for a visit.

Juveniles who tend to be very human tolerant by nature was about to be my first subject of the day.

It was a grab the camera and walk out to the back lane kind of a shoot that morning…then back to finish my morning coffee.

Fun Continues in the Gardens

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Fun continues with the Cooper’s Hawks.

Much to the delight of passers by and photographers they went about doing what Cooper’s Hawks often do…showing off to the public at the English Gardens.

Seemingly unphased by the presence of a number of photographers and the chatter of rapid fire camera shutters.