Soaking Up the Sun

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Barred Owl soaking up the afternoon sun. Up until two years ago I had never seen one in the wild and surely didn’t really expect to find another one this year.

These owls are the only native owls to Manitoba with black eyes and are most active on dull days or at dusk/evening as they are nocturnal.

Well you can imagine my surprise and delight finding one all wide eyed soaking up the sun on a bright day…thanks Mother Nature.

Cheers !

Pre Christmas Surprise

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Clear calm day just prior to Christmas crunch time and would be the last chance for a bit to visit the forest. After spending time with active Gray’s it was time to make my way home.

Little did I know what was in store as I pulled over to stretch my legs before the drive home.

Walking around to the side of the truck and just happened to look at the bush line…there sat my Pre Christmas Surprise starring at me from the edge forest…I don’t know who was more surprise ?

Thank You very much Mother Nature for the Pre Christmas Barred Owl Surprise.

Big Surprise Along the Road

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Just like a Kid in a Candy Shop…I’m still reliving the time that was spent with the First Gray Owl of the season less than a week ago. Then just before noon things got even better…it was like Christmas all over.
A “1st” for me as I refuse to use the word (Lifer)…there roosting in a grove of Scotch Pines looking at me with coal black eyes was a Barred Owl.

It seemed like I had just won the lottery.