Patient & Determined

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Another day another Northern Hawk Owl…only problem it was as I say a “Birders Delight”.
Meaning that it was close enough to recognize but pointless to photograph.

Knowing full well that at some point the owl would become active…just how longer I would have to wait was the question.
Seconds turned into minutes…minutes into hours but I was determined as I had nowhere to be.
Around the three hour mark my patience paid off as the owl became active…moving closer as it tested out different trees from which to hunt.

Bottom line…3 plus hours of patients and determination paid off.

Cute & Cuddly

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Saw-whet looking so cute and cuddly…something you could just pick up, put in your pocket and take home.
Well not really but just a thought that raced through my mind while standing there in disbelief as to the size.

Not till I began looking through the photos was I aware of the fine delicate feathering around the eyes.
I’m sure these feathers must serve some specific purpose…other than adding to its cuteness.

Search Continues

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Over the last week or so I’ve spent hours searching both sides of Lake Winnipeg for the Ghost of the Forest.
Returning to locations where over the years has provides rewards…as of yet no Great Grays to be had.
There is still hope with one more area to check…when the weather cooperates.
Why is it there are no Gray’s to be found ?
I feel it all has to do with the amount of snow we have…or the lack of snow.
With less snow the owls are able to find prey relatively easy deep in the forests so no need to move out along the roadsides.
This is just my theory…but the search continues.