Another Day Another Saw-whet

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

A very pleasant and unusual year it seems for Saw-whet owls…like other owls their numbers go in cycles as I understand it.
This may very well be an irruption year for them with now three different owls located.
The Saw-whet for the most part migrate from Manitoba but there are some that winter over.
From my recent observations they prefer deer mice as their go to meal…over a regular mouse.

Have to love unusual years like this…since I can’t even buy a Great Gray this winter.

Cleared For Take-off

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

You may recall the recent photo of the Northern Hawk Owl coughing up the pellet ?
After doing so the owl sat perched for a short period….knowing full well at any moment he/she would take flight in search of a meal.

These owls give little to no indication when they are about to take off…you need to be focused and ready while watching for the slightest movement.
When take-off occurs…it’s hold the shutter down and cross your fingers you’ve picked the best possible spot from where to shoot.