Change of Pace

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Thought I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye while watching a Hawk Owl…but wasn’t sure.
Second glance and it appeared my thought was a reality…a fox on the prowl was just making its way out of the tree line.

Watching the Hawk Owl was quickly put on hold with the focus now on the fox.
Which just goes to show you…always expect the unexpected when dealing with Mother Nature.

Holy Crap

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The last thing I ever expected to see in the center of the city…really caught me of guard but still managed a few frames.
First thought it to be a Great Gray (which would be highly unlikely)…then a Great Horned but as I approached soon realizing it was in fact a Barred Owl.
Somewhat similar to a Gray in appearance but smaller in size…perhaps the biggest noticeable difference would be the coal black eyes.
This encounter was short and brief before it took off and disappeared into the bush along the river.
Again reminding myself to always expect the unexpected.

Lunch Date with the Hawk Owl

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

It was kind of the Northern Hawk Owl to reserve a limb close to the roadway for his noon lunch.
Just as I arrived this owl took flight that seemed like he was on a mission…turned out he was.
The owl returned from a great distance (length of a football field to give you some idea) with a vole/mouse and proudly displayed its lunch…must say that spotting a vole at that distance is pretty impressive.

Cheers !