Winter Owling Recap

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Well it’s definitely been an strange year as far as Winter Owls.
Found that Snowy Owls to be fewer than normal being hit and miss and you could never count on seeing one at the same location twice.
Disappointing year for Great Grays…with not one sighting.
Couple of Hawk Owls that provided some enjoyable encounters.
Last but not least…the Northern Saw-whet sightings would be the most enjoyable part of the winter.
As we near the middle of March…thoughts of returning Peregrines will now be on my mind.

On the Prowl Continued

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

After clearing the tree line the fox continued moving somewhat closer…stopping after every few steps it became apparent the fox was searching for a vole beneath the snow.
With each step bringing it closer…it was hard to believe what was taking place.
I just happened to be in the right place at the right time…and took full advantage of this encounter.

Room With a View

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Like other owls the Northern Saw-whet doesn’t build a nest in which to use. They rely on other birds like the Northern Flicker and Pileated Woodpecker to do all the work then will use the location.
They will also take advantage of the nest boxes that we humans build for Wood Ducks…wonder what the ducks will think about that on their return ?
Hopefully the nest box will be used as it’s in a very public place with lots of human traffic.
I’ve opted not to return because of the location…good luck little owls.