Their Getting Bigger

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The Great Horned Owlets are becoming larger with each passing day it seems…won’t be long before they branch out.
Some may wonder what is meant by “branching out”?
This is a term used when the outlets simply leave the actual nest and perch on limbs in the tree where the nest is located.

This is the first step before they actual fledge.
Until they branch out its possible to see them on the edge of the nest stretching or flapping their wings…the nest is fairly large but if all 3 owlets decided to become active it may be a bit cramped for space.

Once they have fledged they will tend to hang out and perch together…will have to wait and see just how things turn out.

Floating Down the River

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

It’s certainly that time of year…everything is beginning to return.
Even though the river has yet to crest here in Winnipeg, Pelicans now can easily be found since the ice is gone.
Both male and female develop a bump on their beaks during breeding season…this bump falls off after the birds have mated and laid eggs.

The American White Pelican can be found across the Prairie Provinces and migrate South as far as Texas and Mexico in the Winter months.
I had always thought up un-till a few years ago that they were found across Canada…apparently not.
Being informed by a friend in Montreal that they only have Brown Pelicans…although there has been the odd White Pelican show up in the area.

By the look of things fishing is good on the Red River…clearly this Pelican has caught a good sized fish.

Standing Guard

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Mr. Great Horned Owl found close to the nest site…standing guard and watching for any intruders like Crows that seem too often mob a nest.
From what I’ve witnessed…when a nest is being mobbed the male will come in and try and drawn the attention to himself so that the Crows will follow him away from the nest.
During this the female becomes very vocal and loud hooting can easily be heard anywhere in the bush.

He now has his work cut out as there appears to be three hungry owlets to feed…along with Mama Owl.
Their diet consists mainly of rabbits and squirrels.