Change it Up a Bit

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

You have come to expect birds-n-more birds…but this morning I’ll change it up a bit from Days Gone By.
There are times when the bird action is slow and old and forgotten buildings can be had.
One can only imagine the stories some of these abandoned buildings must hold.

Old and Forgotten

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

While out-n-about it’s not uncommon to come across old homesteads in the middle of nowhere. This would be back in the times when life was simple which required allot of hard work and long days…no power, TV’s, cell phones, internet or Tim’s.
One can only imagine the hardships these folks would have endured.
Just a glimpse from Day’s Gone By.

Change of Pace

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Definitely a chance of pace ? Don’t be searching for a bird or any hidden critter because your not going to find one.

While heading up to Lake Winnipeg the other morning in search of Eagles I couldn’t resist stopping along the roadside as the sun was rising.