In-coming Osprey

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

After the male had departed the site he soon returned. At first it was unclear just exactly what he was returning with…definitely not a fish or a branch for the nest.
Turns out that he decided to add a clump of sod/grass…interesting addition to a stick nest.

Finds at the Summer Place

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

With the Summer Place now open…early morning trips become part of the routine.
The Osprey in the area usually use the poles to perch on…must say it was a pleasant surprise to locate one in a tree along the side of the road.

The bird being unfazed by the passing traffic as it sat preening for a good amount of time.
Unfortunately unable to confirm if it’s mate is currently tucked down in the nest with we ones or not.

Time will tell.

Road Less Traveled…Continued

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

You may recall the recent closing statement.
“Of course I managed to get closer to the Heron and Pelicans…but that’s for another day.”

For the most part Herons are easily spooked and not very tolerant of humans. A slow approach had been required…with a step, step and click approach which seemed to have worked on this day along the side of the flooded section of highway.

Cheers !