Up For a Challenge

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Not all birds are equal when it comes to flight…some are large and slow and others are faster.
Peregrines on the other hand are in a league all their own…and fly at mach speed.

This is evident when the chicks are removed from the nest site during banding. Both adults instantly become very aggressive in efforts to protect the young.

So the challenge begins…just sayin !

Looks Can Be Deceiving

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Peregrine Chick (male) showing me his New Bling and back in the nest box safe and sound…at this stage they still looks cute and cuddly.
Looks can be deceiving as we found out.
Perhaps the three most aggressive little terrors with attitudes we’ve had in a while…lots of grabbing, clawing and biting.

Osprey Concerns

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

It’s beginning to turn into a disappointing year for Osprey.
First noticing that they seemed to have returned somewhat late…then it seemed they were not consistently seen at previously used nest sites.
It’s been a real hit and miss as far as sightings and not seeing pairs together.
Having also heard similar reports from other areas indicating the same.
Now with many unanswered question running through my mind …what has happened to the Osprey this year ?