Something Un-Expected

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

You wouldn’t expect to find much of interest in a small residential park…yet this rather small treed area had become home for Great Horned Owls.
The path that runs through the park is used by cyclists, joggers and folks walking the dog.

When the owls would be considering a nest site in late winter to early spring there wouldn’t have been near the human traffic in the area. Still they adapted to the surroundings and have gone on to have three owlets to feed…which have now fledged.
I’m sure the rabbit population has declined in the area since they have taken up residence.

Being nocturnal the adults would normally be active dusk to dawn…but with 3 owlets to keep track of Mrs. Great Horned was on high alert.

Osprey Pre-Flight

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Osprey by nature tend to be very human tolerant…nice change from most other raptors.
When first spotted it wasn’t a case of will it still be there as I turn the truck around…more the case of how long will I have to wait for it to provide some action.
After a lengthy time of watching it preen which seemed like forever the Osprey was cleared for take-off.