Summer Place Encounter

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The Turkey Vulture is not one of the most attractive birds. Some may find them downright ugly…having a featherless Red Head.

These large Eagle like in size birds can often be seen along roadways or riding the thermals in a circular pattern…while tilting from side to side. Inflight they tuck their heads in close to their body…almost looking headless.

They use their keen sense of smell to locate carrion which is the main food source. So your unlikely never to see one in your back yards.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

With Options Available

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

As of the May Long Week-end…I’ve options with our summer place now opened up.
Being an early riser my routine is to make coffee, grab a travel mug and head out to check the haunts around the Gimli area.

First morning out and it’s nice to see a pair of Osprey have returned…unlike last year with no nesting birds at the sites I visit.
Safe to say that I’ll get my Osprey Fix this year…since there’s now options both in town and at the lake.

Standing Guard

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Mr. Great Horned Owl stands guard close to the nest site. Perhaps more of a decoy for the Crows that will come by to mob him from time to time.
When this occurs he often flies off leading the Crows away from the nest area.

With the owlets now having all fledged…he’ll be kept busy keeping track of where they all are.
For the most part the young tend to stay together…but there’s always that one that like to hang out alone.