In Search of a Meal

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The endless search for food…Great Grey makes a plunge for a vole but came up empty handed this time. We recently have had mild temps and now some what colder. I’m sure that with the swing in temps and the snow crusted over makes it even more difficult for them.

Grey in Flight

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

After spending an exciting day with a Great Grey in Northern Manitoba, round two of excitement begins on my return home by sifting through 900 + photos.
Delete, delete and after this one popped up on the screen I thought out load ” that’s a keeper “.

Theme Continues

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Great Grey theme continues since these have been the most common winter owls available this year.

One of life’s little pleasures is the ability to share owls in the wild…sharing with you what I view when looking through the lens gives you the opportunity to see these beautiful owls up-close and personal.