One Day Wonder

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

My ” 1 Day Wonder ” an Eastern Screech Owl from last year in the neighbourhood…after being harassed by a nuthatch he continued to have his eyes wide open for a short period of time
Something you wouldn’t normally see since they are nocturnal

Owl on the Wing

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Middle of February and I spent some time with an active Northern Hawk Owl…this one returns from a missed attempt for a meal.

Winter Owling is pretty much over for another year with no plans to be out-n-about to specifically search for them.
As the seasons change so do the subjects.

Candy Store

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

I was like a “Kid in a Candy Store” when I discovered an older file that I had miss placed…since there has been a lack of Snowy Owls this year I was happy to sift through the folder.

Cheers !