Search Continues

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Hopefully soon…so far the Great Gray has eluded me after a few trips.
When you spend 4 hrs. on a round trip driving and put in a 11-12 hr day you would think one would receive some sort of reward ?

Just goes to show you that Mother Nature doesn’t always cooperate.

Well the search for the Ghost of the Forest continues…with high hopes for the next trip

Time Spent With a Northern Hawk Owl

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

They sit perched and alert listening and look for their next meal…as if their head is on a swivel they are constantly looking right, left, up and down.
The Northern Hawk Owl’s are diurnal and means they hunt during the daylight hours as well as at night…this also includes the Snowy and Great Gray Owls.

Owls such as the Eastern Screech Owl and Great Horned Owl would be nocturnal and become active at dusk when they begin to search for meals.

Take note of those talons…not something to mess with.

Snowy on the Wing

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

For the most part a Snowy will stay perched on a pole when a vehicle passes by.
I had stopped a couple poles away and noticed headlights approaching in the distance…first thought was to wait till they passed.

Then heard the rattle,rattle,clang, bang and realized that this truck was pulling a trailer full of who knows what…second thought was so much for this Snowy.

So now sure that Mr. Farmer and his noise machine would spook the owl I simple waited with high hopes the owl would fly in my direction.

Thanks Mr Farmer…it worked out well.