Gray on the Wing

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The owling season is drawing to a close and difficult to say if I’ll have a chance at the Great Grays again ? Rough estimate would be that they may be around for a couple weeks before they head back to the bogs to begin mating.

Just Another Owl

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Surprise, Surprise…it’s another owl.
Northern Hawk Owl takes to flight headed for a better vantage point on it’s search for a meal.

The Winter Owl season is beginning to draw to a close but I’ll still be out-n-about when ever possible to get the “Last Kick at the Cat” (Owls)

Cheers !

Big Surprise Along the Road

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Just like a Kid in a Candy Shop…I’m still reliving the time that was spent with the First Gray Owl of the season less than a week ago. Then just before noon things got even better…it was like Christmas all over.
A “1st” for me as I refuse to use the word (Lifer)…there roosting in a grove of Scotch Pines looking at me with coal black eyes was a Barred Owl.

It seemed like I had just won the lottery.