The owling season is drawing to a close and difficult to say if I’ll have a chance at the Great Grays again ? Rough estimate would be that they may be around for a couple weeks before they head back to the bogs to begin mating.
Category Archives: Manitoba’s Owls
Just Another Owl
Surprise, Surprise…it’s another owl.
Northern Hawk Owl takes to flight headed for a better vantage point on it’s search for a meal.
The Winter Owl season is beginning to draw to a close but I’ll still be out-n-about when ever possible to get the “Last Kick at the Cat” (Owls)
Cheers !
Big Surprise Along the Road
Just like a Kid in a Candy Shop…I’m still reliving the time that was spent with the First Gray Owl of the season less than a week ago. Then just before noon things got even better…it was like Christmas all over.
A “1st” for me as I refuse to use the word (Lifer)…there roosting in a grove of Scotch Pines looking at me with coal black eyes was a Barred Owl.
It seemed like I had just won the lottery.