It’s That Time of Year

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

With the recent snow that has blanketed Manitoba thoughts of the Great White Owls from the North has been on my mind…hopefully getting out soon.
They begin to show up anything from mid-October onwards…hanging around till mid to late March.

During the summer they nest in the Arctic Tundra…with the female laying anywhere from 3-10 eggs.
The number of eggs laid depends on the Lemming population…which is their main food source.

The higher the Lemming population the more eggs laid and hatched…meaning more owls showing up in Southern Manitoba.

Observations from years gone by…I believe the young owls are unfamiliar with poles, posts and trees and when first arriving some are seen along a roadway or in a field…perhaps reminding them of the Tundra.

It doesn’t take them long to figure out that poles make for a good vantage point to hunt from.

Anyway…that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

Returning Critters

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Here we are coming up on the middle of October…what could be just around the corner ?

During the next 2-3 weeks there will be trips up along Lake Winnipeg in search of Eagle that will be collecting for pre-migration.
This happens every year and the Eagles know the Hot Spots for an easy meal…all thanks to the Commercial Fishermen.

As October draws to an end…sightings of the First returning Snowy Owl could be possible like this one last year found Oct 28th.

I’m sure this owl put in a Special Appearance just for a photographer friend visiting from Montreal…I think she was pretty excited to photograph the Eagles and a Snowy in late October.

It’s always nice when things fall into place and the stars align.

What’s You Lookin At

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

Sometimes you have to get off the beaten path to find the reward.
The bush is full of fallen trees and stumps that can easily be tripped on…so a lot of time is spent looking downwards.

It’s a strange but exciting feeling when you pause to look around and see a Great Horned Owlet just staring at you.
This is a good sign since the young tend to hang out together…Mama Owl will be close by keeping an eye on things.

Like I’ve said before…always expect the unexpected.