
photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

After returning from the lake a visit to the Swainson Hawk site was in order to check on their progress. After four days away it appears that two of the chicks have now fledged. I believe the two males by size are up and flying now.

From what I seen yesterday when food was delivered to the nest the young female was the only chick in the nest … as I’m sure the other two would have been attempting to get their share if they where there.

Perhaps the visit today will show something different ?


photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

The fish that the female has was originally in the possession of the male, who didn’t really want to give it up. Finally I suspect she thought that enough was enough went over and snatched away the fish and flew off.

The male sat there looking bewildered as he watched his meal disappear … I think he had a nibble before she took it.

Swainson’s Hawk

photo courtesy of Dennis Swayze

I’ve been visiting a Swainson Hawk nest site on a regular basis since mid June … it’s been wonderful to watch the chicks mature. This photo is from July 2nd … since that time the three chicks are keeping the adults busy bringing them food.